Little Zoe - my how you have grown. You are becoming quite the little lady now.

You are starting to get a bit of an appetite for food - perhaps there is hope at meal times after all.

You are starting to get very involved in your play time and quite often will tell me to go away so that you can play on your own. Little Miss Independent.

She's so adorable!!!
She really is looking more and more beautiful. It's amazing how much change just one month can bring :)
awww holy moly she is getting so big and so so pretty! Those eyes!! :)
Such a little sweetheart!
Beautiful girl!
Glad I am not the only one giving their daughter wonky fringe trims hehe ;)
Ahhh, she is so pretty! I love that black and white photo. And the one where you cut here bangs. That is priceless. :)
Oh this post just made me smile from ear to ear! She is adorable! I love her lil personality in these photos! The last one of her is truly beautiful! =)
Melanie's Randomness
ahh, beautiful ALicia!
i read this this morning & thought it was the sweetest post.
love that last photo, she is adorable.
love the crooked fringe...oops, Aidan gets a few like that.
she looks like you too, absolutely gorgeous ♥
Oh Alicia, she is beautiful! And really starting to look like you. :)
Awww shes so gorgeous. Some beautiful photos you have there.
I hope I have a lil girl some day.
OMG! She so cute.
Now my wish to have someday a little girl is even more intense!
Wow, she really looks like you when you compare your photos to your profile pic! Do you hear that a lot?
She is gorgeous! What sweet pictures...
oh my, she's sooo adorable.
My first time to visit your blog, and I am glad I did!
Awwww happy 28th month, sweetie!
Alicia, Zoe is just amazing. What gorgeous pics and descriptions. You are such a good mummy!!!
what a lovely post!
zoe is adorable and seems to have quite the personality :)
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