So here is what you need...
A box of cake mix (I used chocolate cake)
Enough frosting to make a mushy cake truffle mixture
180g milk chocolate
180g white chocolate
mini m&ms
Okay, so first you need to bake your box cake according to the directions on the box. Then once the cake has completely cooled you crumble it up and add enough frosting until it brings all the cake crumbs together. I used the frosting that came with the cake mix and then I quickly made up some more buttercream (65g of unsalted butter, 250g of icing sugar and a splash of milk).

Once you have the frosting/cake mixture ready you need to roll it into balls (about 1.5" wide). Place each ball on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Then once they are all rolled, cover the tray with cling wrap and place them in the freezer for about 20 minutes to firm up. To shape them I rolled them into a cylinder then squished the bottom half to make the stub of the cupcake, then flattened out the top to make the top of the cupcake.
See, like this...

Now pop them back into the freezer for another 20 minutes. Next melt your milk chocolate either using a double boiler or the microwave.

Now dip the bottom of each cupcake pop into the melted chocolate and place it back on to the baking tray. Once they are all dipped pop them into the fridge while you prepare for the next step.

Now melt your white chocolate either in a double boiler or in the microwave.

While you are at it get your sprinkles and m&ms ready.

Now dip the top of each cupcake pop in the white chocolate, place a mini m&m on the top and then sprinkle with sprinkles. Leave to set and then place in mini cupcake paper cases.

Now have a bite, you definitely deserve it after all that work

The ratings?
Me - 10/10 - yum, yum, yum - and cute overload!
Mat - 10/10 - absolutely perfect!
Very well done! I was wondering what the uncupcake was going to be.. A cupcake pop is perfect!
Very cute! Love your step-by-step!
soooo cute!!! and a new site for me to visit - can you believe I've never heard of Bakerella?
Thanks for sharing, I'll add these to my ever growing 'to bake' list.
they are sooo much fun to make, yours look fantastic!! I tried them for my little one's bday & then got requests from friends to make them aswell, so they definitely are a hit. gotta love Bakerella ♥
Well done - can't believe you were game enough to attempt the cupcake pop! What a great job too and awesome photos to boot!
I am not ususally into cooking or baking...doesn't help when your oven is so crap you have to cook everything at twice the heat fro twice the time!...but these I have got to try! They look so good...and it's something you could def have one or two without feeling really guilty about it! Thanks for sharing!
Wow mate, they look amazing! You did a great job!
Very cute : )
ohmygosh! wow wow wow!! So amazing! Great job! Have a great Monday!
They look gorgeous! I made some a few weeks ago and they were really yummy but yours look so much nicer! :)
Torture!! Must have some now... :) will definitely have to try soon soon.
these are so festive and fun, and they look so moist and rich and delicious. can you tell i am starving and i don't want to eat an apple for lunch?
I love Bakerella! And I love your un-cupcake cupcake pops :) They're so cute! I could pop at least 5 of those in my mouth without a second thought. Daaaangerous!
That looks like so much fun. I'll definitely have to try it!
They look fantastic, I have never been game enough to try these, but you have done an amazing job!
those look amazing! i want to try them
Yey! I like what you came up with for uncupcake! I hadn't attempted these as I was bummed we cant get candy melts here in Australia, but you just proved to me we sure don't need them!
Super cute!
I love your pics! they are fantastic! Great uncupcakes!
I make a really similar thing at Christmas time- buy a christmas cake from woolies or wherever you do your shop, crumble it up and add some rum/scotch (just a really small amount) and a little bit of orange juice.
Then you just mix it up, put them in the fridge/freezer once they're in little balls, and then put some melted white chocolate and cherry on top!
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