Monday, January 10, 2011

Move it to Lose it - Week 3

Move it to lose it - 12 Week Challenge

Starting weight: 75.2kg 
Previous weight: 74.9kg 
Current weight: 74.5kg

Is this the most boring weight loss challenge ever? Seriously - at the end of 3 weeks I have lost 700 grams, that is just miserable. I have all of the usual excuses - but my main excuse/reason is that I have my sister and my dad staying with me at the moment so my routine is completely out of whack. On the plus side I did lose 400 grams last week - any loss is good right? And I ate reasonably well and I used the Wii Fit. So it wasn't a complete failure.

I have no more visitors as of the 20th of this month so after that date I hope to get some more serious weight loss happening. In the mean time, for the next 10 days I think I am just going to take it easy.

So the goals for next week...
  • Eat reasonable portion sizes at every meal
  • Eat reasonably healthy
  • Drink at least 2L of water every day
  • Use the Wii Fit at least three times
I'm also trying to think of some rewards for getting to certain weights. I know that at some stage I want an iPod, but I am not sure what other rewards I should aim for. And so that is what prompts my question...

What would you want as a reward for getting to a goal weight?


Kat said...

As I was told last week a loss is a loss. It's always better than a gain. And you still stuck to your goal of using the wii fit so good on you. Keep up the good work!

Mel said...

A loss is better than a gain - no matter what the loss!! You're doing amazingly for someone who has people staying - that always throws me out!

As for rewards - new clothes! I'm struggling to get my weight back down after having two kids - I have about 5kg to go to my goal weight and I'm planning on getting new clothes to celebrate and show off my weight loss (thinking of styles that I can't get into right now but love the look of!).

Good luck with your goals for the next week - they seem resonable and attainable!