So let me give you a short update on what I have been up to.
- Very, very little baking has been going on in this household - I just haven't had the time or energy for it for quite some time now.
- I finished my second subject in my Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degree - and I got a high distinction
- And oh yeah - I had a baby!

Grace Ellen Zakarevicius
Born 29th October 2010 at 6:28pm
Weighing 4.1 kilograms (9 pounds 1 ounce)
Measuring 50cm
Born 29th October 2010 at 6:28pm
Weighing 4.1 kilograms (9 pounds 1 ounce)
Measuring 50cm
After a very quick (and painful) two hour labour my darling daughter arrived in this world. I won't bore you with the birth story, but it is suffice to say that I won't be doing that again in a rush! Ouch! Focusing on the positives though, there were no complications - Grace was perfect and I was up and about within minutes. Here we are just minutes after she was born...

And then after a lovely warm shower, with Grace dressed in her first ever wondersuit...

And in case you are wondering this was my last pregnancy photo that I got to take - it was taken the day before Grace was born, when I was exactly 39 weeks.

So that is my rather large news - only took me 7 weeks to tell the blogosphere, because now little Miss Grace is 7 weeks old and going strong.
I hope to keep this blog alive, but at this point in time I'm not sure what I will be blogging about because I am trying to lose a little bit of weight and baking does not fit into the weight loss equation very well. I'm sure I will think of something though.
Stay tuned!
oh my gosh, Alicia she is beautiful, what a cutie :) congratulations!!
glad to see you back!
Congratulations on the degree and your darling new daughter, Alicia! What about making the blog about healthier baking? That could help (and inspire) a lot of us as the New Year rolls around.
Many, many congratulations!!!
Congratulations on Grace, she is just beautiful! I have always enjoyed catching up with your blog, so keep it up it you can, and we don't mind what you write about - weightloss, babies, baking, study anything!
Have a lovely Christmas with your girls!
Congratulations on the birth of Grace. She certainly is a cutie. Welcome back.
A Big welcome back and and even bigger Congratulations!!
Congratulations! and welcome back. She is adorable.
Great to see you posting lovely :)
Grace is so sweet. And you look so amazing after giving birth!
Hope you will keep updating us
Many congratulations!! Grace looks gorgeous.
Welcome back!!
congratulations! she looks absolutely gorgeous.
my second birth was quick too (and painful). i vowed never to do it again......and then i did. but my third birth was slower and calmer (i had a water birth). after that i felt i could do it again, and again, and again - but i won't! three is definitely enough for me :)
enjoy these precious early moments - i do miss having a little babe.
What a beautie, congratulations. Can't wait to hear more from you!
Congrats! You both look great and I'm glad everything went smoothly. I can't wait to see what you post next. I would love to see any healthy recipes or non-food related posts from you too. Happy holidays, Alicia!
Alicia! So wonderful to have an update from you! I have been thinking of you, and wondering how things have been for you. Congratulations are in order!
Congratulations on the birth of Grace, what a beautiful little face she has, I bet Zoe is over the moon to have a little sister!
And Congratulations on graduating too, that must have been hard work!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas, and I'll look forward to more blogging from you, about whatever!
Glad you're back!!
congratulations! she is beyond beautiful and i'm so happy to hear you all are healthy and happy. xoxo
Congratulations! She's adorable. It's great to see you back, though I completely understand the baking / losing weight conundrum! I'm sure your readers will be happy with whatever you choose to blog about. :)
Alicia congratulations!!!
so good to hear your news!
welcome Miss Grace to your family, such a wonderful pic of you two.
wishing you all the very best for you & your family for the new year & take it easy with the blog, we're still here for you.
many hugs ♥
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