So I am baking something a little bit different this time, yep that's right Zoe is going to be a big sister, and I am going to be a mumma of two!
Jelly Bean # 2 is due on the 4th of November, so putting me at 4 weeks 5 days today.
I am feeling...
I am thinking...
Of weaning Zoe after 16 months of breastfeeding :(
About getting Zoe's big girl room ready
That the 12 week scan can't come soon enough
I am thinking...
Of weaning Zoe after 16 months of breastfeeding :(
About getting Zoe's big girl room ready
That the 12 week scan can't come soon enough
I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!
Congratulations! That's the best kind of bun to have in the oven I think ;)
lovely news xx
Congratulations...what wonderful news for you and your family!
That is wonderful news, congratulations!
:) WOW!!! How fantastic!!! I know we are only blog buddies, but I really am soooooo happy for you and I will be thinking of you! Get ready Zoe! ;)
ps now you can have the 9 months of cravings recipes!! ;)
Very exciting times.
wow congratulations! amazing news :D
Alicia this is such wonderful news. I am so happy for you & your family, looking forward to reading all about it. :)
Congratulations!! That's fantastic!
Hooray! Congratulations!
yay!!! that is wonderful news Alicia!
all the very best for a smooth pregnancy.
wow!! congratulations to you and your family!
Congratulations again Missy. xx
That lines look amazing these days so much darker...Jellybean 2 is out and proud!!! Congrats to you and yours yet again...from your favourite Stalker ;)
Eeee, this is so exciting, cogratulations!! :)
OHHH!! I love being pregnant!! I'm so excited and happy for you!! It's really the bestest job EVER!! Thank you so much for sharing such super news with us all!! Hope this first trimester isn't too hard, will be thinking of you and your soon to be growing belly!!! YAY!!!
Smiles SHarnee :0)
Congratulations mommy-to-be :D!!!
A HUGE congratulations! You must be super excited :)
yay!! congrats to you and your family!
Jim-49 said
Congratulations, I'm so happy for your family and you!! Little kids,bring more work,but worth ever bit!! I also been thinking about,stopping following the blogs,I was stuck inside,taking care of a terminally ill wife,cooking,cleaning,etc. Well,saturday,she went home,and I am by myself,except for the little granddaughters,I get,after school,for 2 hrs.If,I do or don't thank you,for all the recipes,tips,and friendship!!I'll always think about all you "Ladies",who helped me improve the guality of food,Your Special!!
Congratulations!!! I'm just a few weeks ahead of you :) How exciting! I'm very happy for you and your family. Children are an immense blessing. I'm en route to wean Eleanor who is going to be two years old on April 28th. My goal is her second birthday. My "bees" as we call them around here, need a wee break!!!
Hugs to you,
That's amazing!
Woohoo! Congrats. Looking forward to all your pregnancy/baking adventures!
I tried to wean before I gave birth to my next one - i just ended up feeding for six years straight.....
but what exciting times ahead. i'm kinda sad those days are past me because they are magical!!
goodluck and i hope all goes well
SO exciting! Congrats my dear. thats the THIRD blogger i follow thats announced that this week. theres something out there! :)
hi alicia, first time here. just wanted to say, lovely spot you have here and i'm glad i ran across you. wishing you a peaceful pregnancy, congrats!
Hooray and congrats!
What wonderful news, congrats hunny!
What wonderful news!! Congrats :).
Congratulations, Alicia : )
Me and my sister are 18 mths apart and we both loved having each other to play with growing up. I'm sure your kiddos will feel the same way!
Congratulations Alicia! What wonderful news. Zoe must be so excited to be a big sister soon. She will have so much fun.
fantastic news! congrats x
Congrats hun! I am very excited for you!
SO AWESOME! i am beyond happy for you!!! best of luck love!
Congratulations! Just think of it, now you'll have 3 people always at your service to taste your yummy desserts!
Oh, that is so exciting!!!! I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible.
My husband and I have been talking about getting pregnant in the next year or so-- the whole idea is so crazy to me, but thrilling too! So I love following bloggers through their pregnancies. :)
Omg congrats, Alicia! What wonderful news, and I'm delighted to be able to share in a small part of your journey.
haha yeah try to get some rest these days, ok?
and congrats of course as well :D
Oh! See what big news I miss when I don't check in on my regular blogs?
Congratulations!!! Such wonderful news!
Congratulations!!! Hooray.
Yay!! Congratulations!!
such good news!!!!!
i needed some good news today and i'm so glad you fulfilled that for me :-)
Congratulations...what wonderful news for you and your family!
data entry india
i'm sorry i've just read it!
Congratulations I'm so happy for you...
He/SHe wil be scorpio! like me...
Sorry I've not stopped by recently. So I am late to reading your wonderful news. I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your news so early. All my fingers crossed here for your bun in the oven.
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