Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Goals

9 Patch - Basted and ready to quilt

Well that was long lived wasn't it? Just when I was getting back into the blogging I go and take a two month break! Well, I am determined to have a proper go at it now, because I feel like if I don't then I am going to forget all the awesomeness that is going on in my life. I want to have a record of where I am going and where I have come from. So back to the blogging!

The reason I have been away is because of my obsession with quilting! I have been super busy every night piecing, piecing, piecing! The quilt above is the quilt that I have been making in my lessons with Lyn at Riverlea Quilts. The lessons have been fantastic - so much knowledge, so many tips, so many cups of tea and a lot of chitty chats. I love it! I feel like I have finally found my creative home in quilts and textiles and all things fabric - I absolutely love it and have a whole heap of projects in mind.

Anyway, anyway - I thought I would set up some monthly goals for myself so that I don't end up all over the place!

Family Goals
  1. Create a special day for Zoe's and Grace's birthday.
  2. Throw an awesome birthday party at the park for the little ladies.
Home Goals
  1. Sledgehammer the bird bath and start binning it!
  2. Garden weeded and tidied up.
  3. Gutters cleaned.
  4. Decluttering in my bedroom, the lounge room and the dining room.
Creative Goals
  1. 40 more hexies pieced for the mega quilt.
  2. Janice's baby quilt top completed.
  3. 9 patch quilt finished (not sure if this is realistic).

I will blog again this week - I am going to try to make the habit stick for my own good!

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