Thursday, July 1, 2010

22 Weeks

22 weeks pregnant today - and time is flying by now. I can't believe that I am already over the half way mark, it won't be long now until I get to meet my gorgeous baby girl.

This week bubs has been doing gymnastics in my belly, my mum even saw my belly move the other night - so definitely some big kicks going on.

I am feeling really good at the moment - got to love the second trimester - not too tired, not too big but definitely feeling pregnant. I love this stage of the pregnancy.

I am thinking of getting stuck into the nursery in the next week. I want to have it all done sooner rather than later - as I know when I start to get bigger that I might not feel like scrubbing walls and cleaning mirrors. I've also got lots of baby clothes, wraps and nappies to wash - can't wait to hang out all of the cute little things!


  1. You look bloody fantastic :) Love that pink of you!! The bump is looking great, nice and round and big....but not too big ;) I second you on the second trimester - best time of the pregnancy by far!!

  2. You look fabulous :) Nice too 'see' you!

  3. Look at your adorable belly! I feel like a barge, currently, and I can hardly believe that I'm almost 3/4 of the way done! Eek! I'm excited to meet my gorgeous girl, too! Thinking of you today!

  4. You look gorgeous :)

    How cool that bub is so active! Bronte was like that too - I have never seen my tummy dance like that!

    Enjoy nesting in the nursery xoox

  5. Aw, what a lovely preggo lady you are!

  6. you look so beautiful Alicia!
    enjoy the 2nd half & the cute clothes & nursery preparations. ahhh..such precious moments.
